legal notes

1\. Company data

In compliance with Article 10 of the Information Society and e-commerce Services Act 34/2002 of 11 July, the identifying details of the company holding the intellectual and industrial property rights are set out below:

TESEM Tecniques d’Estampació i Embutició de Metalls, S.A. Carrer del Ter 165 - Polígon Industrial Matabosch 08570 Torelló (Barcelona) Spain Tel. +34 938592624 Fax +34 938504417

Listed in the Companies Register of Barcelona, Tax Identity Code no. A-58495029  

2\. Purpose

This website (, which is the property of TESEM Tecniques d’Estampació i Embutició de Metalls, S.A. (hereinafter referred to as Tesem), has been created and designed so that all Internet users are made aware of the corporate and commercial information of Tesem and may obtain general access to said information.

The purpose of this Legal Notice is to establish the General Conditions governing the general access and use of the aforementioned website by all users in such a way that the access and use of said website necessarily involves being subject to and accepting the aforementioned General Conditions included in this Legal Notice. Tesem reserves the right, at any time and without prior notice, to make any modification or update to the content and services of the provisions for access and use contained herein, and, in general, any modification or update of all elements forming the design and configuration of its website. Therefore, users are recommended to thoroughly read the general conditions every time they wish to enter and use the site, as said conditions may undergo some modifications.

3\. Industrial and intellectual property

All the content (hereinafter referred to as the 'Content') of the website is the intellectual property of Tesem or, where applicable, of third parties, unless otherwise specified. The content includes, but is not restricted to, the texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, software, links and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as its graphic design and source codes.

Similarly, the trademarks, commercial names or distinctive emblems are exclusively owned by Tesem, or where applicable, by third parties, unless otherwise specified.

Users must at all times respect all the intellectual and industrial property rights regarding the website owned by Tesem or third parties.

Transferral of the intellectual property rights relating to this website is strictly prohibited.

More specifically, it is forbidden to reproduce, change, distribute, publicly communicate, publish, extract, reuse, broadcast or use in any manner and by any means or procedure any of the rights, except in cases when it is legally permitted, that is to say where authorised by the holder of the corresponding rights.

Notwithstanding the above, Users will be able to view and obtain a temporary private copy of the Content for their exclusive, private and personal use and in their computer systems (software and hardware), provided that it is not with the aim of developing activities of a commercial or professional nature, or of distributing, modifying, altering or decompiling. Breach of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute an infringement of the conditions contained herein, as well as an offence that is punished in accordance with Article 270 and subsequent articles of the Penal Code.

4\. Content

Tesem reserves the right to update or modify the content of this website without prior notice.

The content of the website, in particular the informative, technical or advertising references, unless otherwise expressly indicated, does not constitute a binding offer. Tesem reserves the right to introduce modifications or to partially or completely omit the up-to-date contents of the website when it considers this appropriate, as well as to prevent or restrict access temporarily or permanently.

5\. Privacy and data protection policy

In accordance with that established in Constitutional Act 15/1999, users are informed that their data will be incorporated into a Tesem data file with the aim of complying with the company’s corporate objective. Users authorise Tesem to use their personal data in a commercial and informative manner and to send advertising information relating to the company’s products and services.

Tesem fully complies with the legislation in force regarding personal data protection. Tesem has adopted the technical measures necessary for maintaining the required level of security, in line with the kind of the personal data processed and the circumstances of such processing, with the aim of preventing, as far as possible and at all times in line with the state of the technology, its alteration, loss and unauthorised processing or access.

Where completion of a form is requested in which data of a personal nature is collected, clients or users of the information will be informed of the purpose for which the data is collected, the identity and address of the person in charge of the file and the entitlement of users to exercise their rights regarding access, correction, cancellation and objection to the processing of their data. The personal data collected will only be processed and/or transferred for the purpose expressed and at all times with the consent of users or clients.

Some of the pages on the website have cookies, small data files generated in the computer of the user or client and that allow our systems to remember the selected language, as well as other characteristics or navigation preferences of users during their first session. These cookies are not invasive or harmful and do not contain data of a personal nature, as their sole function is to personalise navigation in the manner stated above.

Users will have the right to access, object, correct and/or cancel their details by writing to Tesem at the address that appears in this document or by e-mail at

6\. Third-party links to the Tesem website

Internet users wishing to insert a link from their website to the Tesem website must obtain prior written authorisation from Tesem. In addition, they must fulfil the following obligations:

The link will only provide a connection to the home page, unless there is express authorisation to redirect to a secondary page, which may not be reproduced in any way or under any circumstances.

It remains expressly forbidden to establish frames of any kind that surround the website or allow for information, activities, services or products to be displayed through Internet addresses different to those on the website in question.

The link or the link page may not be used for performing activities or displaying mechanisms that are contrary to law, morals or public order.

False, inaccurate or incorrect declarations of information regarding Tesem, its employees or its products and services must not be given under any circumstances on the website where the link is found.

The sender will not be able to use the graphic or mixed trademark or any other distinctive emblem of Tesem on its own website, except in cases expressly authorised by Tesem.

7\. Responsibility

On all accounts, Users will be responsible for damages of any kind that Tesem may suffer as a consequence of the breach of any of the obligations to which they are subject due to this Legal Notice or, where applicable, due to the specific conditions applicable.

7.1 Access to the website Tesem is not responsible for damages of any kind brought about for the User that are due to errors or disconnections from the telecommunications networks and that produce the suspension, cancellation or interruption in the website service during or prior to the provision thereof.

7.2 Personal data protection Tesem guarantees the complete fulfilment of the stipulated obligations, as well as the implementation of the security measures stipulated in Article 9 of the Personal Data Protection Act 15/1999 (hereinafter referred to as LOPD) and in its implementing Regulation approved by Royal Decree 1720/2007 on 21 December. Where completion of a form is requested in which data of a personal nature is collected, clients or users of the information will be informed of the purpose for which the data is collected, the identity and address of the person in charge of the file and the entitlement of users to exercise their rights regarding access, correction, cancellation and objection to the processing of their data. The personal data collected will only be processed and/or transferred for the purpose expressed and at all times with the consent of users or clients.

7.3 Quality of service Access to the website does not involve the obligation by Tesem to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other damaging computer element. On all accounts, it is the responsibility of the User to provide the appropriate tools for the detection and disinfection of damaging computer software.

7.4 Content Tesem is not responsible for decisions taken on the basis of information supplied on the website or for damages brought about for the User or third parties due to actions that are solely based on the information obtained through the website.

7.5 Links The service for access to the website includes technical link mechanisms that enable Users to access other Internet sites and portals. In these cases, Tesem acts as a provider of intermediation services, according to Article 17 of the Information Society and e-commerce Act Law 34/2002 (LSSI) of 11 July and will only be responsible for the content and services supplied in the Linked Sites if it has effective knowledge of the illegality and has not disabled the link with due care.

Where Users consider that there is a Linked Site with illegal or inappropriate content, they may inform Tesem of such in accordance with the procedure and practices established in Clause 6. Under no circumstances does this communication carry the obligation to withdraw the corresponding link.

The presence of links does not mean that agreements exist with the managers or owners thereof nor does it signify the recommendation, promotion or identification of Tesem with regard to the declarations, content or services provided.

Tesem has no knowledge of the content and services of the links and, as a result, is not responsible for damages brought about by illegality, quality, failure in updating, unavailability, errors and inefficiency in the content and/or services of the links or for any other damage not directly attributable a Tesem.

8\. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The Conditions of Access contained herein remain subject to Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute that may arise from accessing the website, the User and Tesem agree to be expressly subject to the courts and tribunals of the city of Vic (Barcelona), waiving any other general or special jurisdiction to which they may have recourse.

We collect cookies to analyse our website traffic and performance; We, however, never collect any personal data.